What is it and how to protect your invention

What is an invention?


Invention – a new and original solution to a technical problem. Most often, it is a new device or its element (subassembly), a special recipe, method or process thanks to which it is possible to perform an activity in a more efficient, safer, more efficient, cheaper or qualitatively better way. The invention must meet the following conditions:

  • world novelty – the solution cannot be known until the date of its notification to the Office – it cannot be made public, i.e. published on websites, shown at fairs, sold, etc. (foreign publications before the date of notification also affect the lack of novelty !)
  • obviousness – this solution cannot be obvious to a specialist in a given field of technology from the solutions available on the market
  • industrial applicability – the product must be suitable for production, and the technology or production method must be reproducible

Inventions may include, for example: various types of machines and mechanisms, recipes and recipes, production lines, technologies, electronic systems and others.

What should you prepare to protect your invention?

In patent documentation for inventions, in addition to the specialized description prepared in accordance with the procedures and prepared by a patent attorney, the key element is the visual presentation of your solution. In order for your attorney to be able to describe and register the invention for protection, you should provide him with appropriate illustrative material, which, depending on the type of invention, takes the form technical drawings or block diagrams* – of course, after prior consultation with the spokesman (he will advise you on what elements you should focus on)

If your invention = product / device / mechanism / set of devices THEN you should prepare technical drawings*,containing:

Product shownin its entirety


Technical sections



If your invention = technological line, YOU should prepare:


Description of the technological process

If your invention = method / method of making, THEN you should prepare:


Description of the process

Process parameters and conditions

If your invention = recipe / recipe THEN you should prepare:

Percentage of ingredients

The order and method of combining them

Required conditions for production

In addition, you should indicate to the patent attorney what advantages your solution has, how it differs from those available on the market, and provide complete technical (non-colloquial) nomenclature of all component parts of the solution (numbering on technical assembly drawing or block diagramswith description*)

*You don’t know how to make technical drawings / you don’t have the tools / do you want to save time on creating additional shots and making corrections by a patent attorney? We will prepare the optimal illustrative material for you together withCSTNG

What can be an invention (practical and protected examples)?

How to restore files

Invention No.: 368276


Invention No.: 381218

Vehicle control system

Invention No.: 282872

>Cottage cheese production line

Invention No.: 350263

Where can I submit an industrial design for protection?

in Poland

in the Polish Patent Office of the Republic of Poland (UPRP)

protection ONLY in POLAND

in Europe

at the EPO, as a European patent

protected in all EU countries

1. in the international procedure at WIPO
(requires primary notification, i.e. in the national or European procedure)

2. through a representative from a given country

protected in selected countries ONLY


A patent for an invention is valid only in the country that granted it protection, so if you are interested in extending this protection in specific countries, you must take into account additional official costs for protection (larger or smaller – depending on the indicated country).

However, maximumuntil the end of the 12th month from the date of filingof the invention to a national office or the EPO, you can extend its protection to any country in the world while maintaining the priority date of the application (the patent will not lose its novelty). This can be done according to two procedures:

  1. file the application directly in selected countries, through the representative of a given country (the person who represents you) or
  2. use the international PCT procedure

THIS MEANS THAT: You do not have to immediately register your invention in all countries where you are interested in protection and incur additional official costs! You can 'try out’ how the invention will be received in the country of first filing and then decide whether extending protection is profitable or not.

Jak długo trwa ochrona wynalazków?

Ochrona patentu trwa maksymalnie 20 lat (jeśli ciągle chcesz przedłużać ochronę), jednakże opłaty za ochronę patentu na wynalazek uzależnione są od roku, w którym urząd wydał decyzję o udzieleniu patentu na wynalazek.

Procedure for the protection of inventions

or how to quickly and easily submit an invention for protection, thanks to our patent attorneys

1. Click the button and SUBMIT AN INQUIRY

Click the button and SUBMIT AN INQUIRY

2. Valuation

We evaluate the service and advise on the procedure to follow

3. Development

We prepare professional documentation and submit the application

4. You obtain your CERTIFICATE