If you want to reserve the shape of an item – only the outer form of the product (without reserving its features, properties or elements inside) the fastest and cheapest form of protection isprotected as an industrial design.
By the definition presented in the Act of June 30, 2000. Industrial property law: an industrial design is a new and individual form of a product or part thereof, given to it in particular by the features of lines, contours, shapes, colors, texture or material of the product and by its ornamentation .[1]
Registration of an industrial design is a kind of privilege of an enterprise thanks to which it acquires the exclusive right to use the industrial design commercially or professionally in the entire territory, e.g. the Republic of Poland , or the European Union. The owner of a registered industrial design may prohibit the production, offering and marketing of products that could infringe the design.
If you want to protect your product, please contact our office. Our patent attorneys provide assistance in every issue related to the protection of your industrial design, from advice on protection options, form of product presentation, selection of territory, monitoring fees, to advice on the protection of your rights and infringements of industrial designs by other entities. Our advocates will support you in the process of protecting your product.
[1] ACT of June 30, 2000, Industrial Property Law (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 49, item 508)
Remember that even though we come from Rzeszów, we operate globally. We cooperate with clients from all over Poland and also serve foreign clients. Work mainly takes place online.
When sending us an inquiry regarding the protection of an industrial design, we will provide all information regarding the proposed number of protected designs, application costs and determining the territory of protection.
Before filing an application for your industrial design, we recommend conducting research to determine whether your industrial design (or similar) is registrable and has not been previously registered on behalf of another entity, thus not exposing yourself to the invalidation of your industrial design registration by third parties.
After accepting all varieties of the industrial design and receiving the power of attorney, we apply for the industrial design in the territory of your choice.
Along with the application documentation, we provide full instructions on paying official fees so that you do not fall victim to fraudsters impersonating the Patent Office.
Najczęstszym problemem związanym z ochroną wzoru przemysłowego jest określenie ilości odmian danego produktu. Wzór przemysłowy chroni jedną postać danego produktu, każda wprowadzona modyfikacja w kształcie, kolorze jest odrębnym wzorem przemysłowym – kolejną odmianą wzoru przemysłowego, jeżeli całość połączona jest wspólną ideą. Zmiana struktury drewna na stoliku, wprowadzenie dodatkowego elementu graficznego, opakowanie produktu w innej wersji kolorystycznej – wszystko to daje kilka odmian wzoru przemysłowego.
The most common problem related to the protection of an industrial design is determining the number of varieties of a given product. An industrial design protects one form of a given product, each modification introduced in shape or color is a separate industrial design – another variety of the industrial design, if the whole is connected by a common idea. Changing the structure of the wood on the table, introducing an additional graphic element, packaging the product in a different color version – all this gives several variations of the industrial design.
You can protect an industrial design in the form of a technical drawing, it will protect the entire shape of your product and will be protected in any color version, but it will not protect the characteristic color, texture or ornament that your product may have.