How to protect a trademark?

What is a trademark
Trademark examples
PRODUCT CLASSES – what’s going on?!
Where can I apply for trademark protection?
How long does trademark protection last?
Trademark protection procedure

What is a trademark?

Trademark – a logo, name, slogan or symbol that allows you to identify your goods and services on the market and stand out from the competition

The most popular types of trademarks

Word sign

protects a given phrase, e.g.:

mark no.: 190793-00

Graphic sign

protects a given graphic design, e.g.:

mark no.: Ž941436A

Verbal and graphic sign

protects a given phrase in a given graphic design, e.g.:

mark no: Z.391999

Spatial sign

protects a given shape, e.g.:

mark no: 511176

PRODUCT CLASSES – what’s going on?!

A trademark is used to designate specific goods and services classified in at least one of the 45 so-called goods and services classes

We define goods and services classes as a set of fields (industries) in which all goods and services are grouped. When registering a trademark for protection, we must decide in which trademark classes we want our mark to be protected (provide the class number) and select individual goods and services from these classes.


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Metal building materials

this includes, for example, metal doors, metal windows, and metal small items




this includes, for example, bars, sponge cakes, chocolates, candies, cookies and cakes



Catering services

it includes, for example, bars, hostels, hotels, cafes, pubs, restaurants

Where can I apply for trademark protection?

in Poland

at the Polish Patent Office of the Republic of Poland (UPRP)

protection ONLY in POLAND

in the European Union

at EUIPO, as an EU trade mark
protection in all EU countries

in selected countries around the world

1. in the international procedure at WIPO (requires primary application, i.e. in the national or European procedure)
2. through a representative from a given country, protection ONLY in selected countries

Jak długo trwa ochrona znaków towarowych?

Ochrona znaku towarowego trwa 10 lat od daty pierwotnego zgłoszenia, ale:
ochronę znaku towarowego można przedłużać na kolejny 10-cio letni okres ochronny pod warunkiem wniesienia wniosku i opłat urzędowych w wymaganym terminie
taki cykl może trwać w nieskończoność (jeśli ciągle chcesz przedłużać ochronę)

Trademark protection procedure

1. Inquiry

Click the button and SUBMIT AN INQUIRY


2. Valuation

We evaluate the service and advise on the procedure to follow

3. Development

We prepare professional documentation and submit the application

4. Certificate

You obtain your CERTIFICATE