

Your Intellectual Property Is Most Important

The mission of our Rzeszów patent office is to help all interested parties in effective and business-relevant protection of ideas. To make this happen, we ALWAYS look beyond the law. We are able to say NO to our client and discourage him from taking actions that may be unfavorable in business terms, and sometimes this involves patent protection.


This is where we start. We establish an action plan to be implemented.


We help you make difficult decisions and achieve your goals.


For us, it’s effective protection of your ideas.

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That’s what our partners say


Get to know your Partners

Tadeusz Warzybok europejski rzecznik patentowy


President of the Management Board, European Patent Attorney, professional representative before EUIPO

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A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Krakow University of Technology, with extensive professional experience in various technical positions gained at WSK Świdnik, WSK-Rzeszów, the Field Industry Design Office and as a patent attorney. In the years 1976-95 he served as a patent attorney and head of the Center for Invention and Patent Protection of the Rzeszów University of Technology, and from 1989 he started his business, running the Patent Office „INICJATOR” Sp. z o. o. z/s in Rzeszów, being the first private patent office in the Third Polish Republic).

In 1973, he was the organizer of the Provincial Club of Technology and Rationalization and co-organizer of the annual Tournaments of Young Champions of Technology and Rationalization. As an expert witness of the District Court in Rzeszów in the field of private property protection, he prepared a significant number of court opinions. He was the patron of 10, especially local, trainee attorneys, and for his activities he received many decorations, including: silver and gold Cross of Merit, decoration of merit for Invention, merit for the province. Rzeszów, and in 2018 he was awarded by the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys with the „honorary badge of merit for the self-government of patent attorneys”

For two terms he was the chairman of the District Council of Patent Attorneys of the Podkarpackie District and a member of the National Council of Patent Attorneys of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys.


He has over 40 years of experience as a patent attorney, filing several hundred patent applications in the fields of mechanics, metallurgy, electronics, energy and automation, chemistry and construction, as well as several hundred applications for industrial designs and trademarks. Represents clients in the field of industrial property law (inventions, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks), copyright, and the Act on Combating Unfair Competition.

It has:

  • entry on the list of Polish patent attorneys at the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland in 1970. at No. 835
  • entry on the list of European patent attorneys in 2004 under No. 137620 authorizing to act before the European Patent Office (EPO) and the International Office (WIPO) in matters related to the protection of inventions and utility and industrial models in any selected countries of the world
  • entry on the list of professional representatives under No. 28070 of 2004 authorizing to appear before the European Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante (Spain), in matters related to applications for protection of Community trademarks and Community industrial designs

My Skills and Specializations

Zgłoszenia patentowe, użytkowe 100%
Wzory przemysłowe, znaki towarowe 100%
Sprawy sporne 100%
Małgorzata Chrzanowska rzecznik patentowy Rzeszów inicjator


Proxy, patent attorney, professional representative before EUIPO

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I am a proxy in our Patent Office and help defend clients’ intellectual property. I provide professional legal and technical (patent) advice and obtain patents, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks for my clients, and I also help in developing an optimal IP strategy. I usually start my work with patentability or registration tests, and if the results are positive, I move on to the application.

I have extensive experience in reporting rights abroad, e.g. in the USA, Europe, the Middle East and China. I also negotiate license agreements that enable my clients to exercise their rights. In case of disputes, I usually adopt the strategy of mediation (which is usually cheaper and simpler), if such a solution to the matter is acceptable to both parties.

As a patent attorney, I constantly improve my qualifications by participating in various types of training and conferences to provide my clients with the highest quality of services. My approach focuses on an individual approach to each client to provide optimal solutions and achieve the best results. On a daily basis, I cooperate with clients representing entities from industries such as: photovoltaic, furniture, technology and mechanical engineering.

My Skills and Specializations

Sprawy sporne 98%
Znaki towarowe i wzory przemysłowe 92%
Wynalazki 87%
Renata Pijanka kancelaria patentowa Rzeszów własność intelektualna


Member of the Management Board, Senior Intellectual Property Specialist

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For many years I have been a member of the management board of our family patent office INICJATOR, where I mainly deal with administrative matters regarding the rights of our clients, in particular: I ensure important deadlines related to: with intellectual property rights, I help in extending rights abroad, I help in filing trademarks, industrial designs, utility models and patents for inventions, and I also deal with patent research and registrability research.

Taking into account my many years of experience with with intellectual property, I also prepare lists of goods and services for trademark applications, and I take an active part in designing and later developing patent descriptions, which increases the scope of protection for our clients.

My Skills and Specializations

Administracja prawami IP 95%
Badania patentowe i zdolności rejestrowej 90%
Przygotowywanie formularzy do zgłoszeń 87%
Dawid Pijanka - rzecznik patentowy wynalazca TV


Patent attorney, implementation specialist, entrepreneur and owner Wynalazca.TV

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I have been associated with intellectual property for many years. In addition to working in our law firm, I run businesses – e.g., where I help in prototyping and implementing many new products: from idea to implementation and sale (especially online). I also have a YouTube channel with the same name (link), where you can learn more about intellectual property and product launches. You can also meet me in guest appearances:

In turn, in our law firm, I am responsible for its development, and I also act as a patent attorney. I passed the attorney apprenticeship exam the best of all applicants, which is the result of everyday contact with intellectual property law. In the law firm, I assist in administrative activities regarding clients’ rights, and I also directly prepare application documentation, developing both descriptions and drawing documentation. My favorite area of industrial property is patents.

I am happy to share my knowledge and experience by conducting, among others: lectures at universities (e.g. University of Rzeszów, University of Economics in Krakow, ASBIRO University), as a speaker at industry events such as Kielce Trade Fairs and the International Fair of Inventions and Innovations INTARG.

My Skills and Specializations

Wynalazki i patenty 88%
Dokumentacje techniczne 100%
Wdrażanie produktów 92%