What is it and how to protect an industrial design

What is an industrial design?

Industrial design – simply put, it protects the external form (shape) of a given product – only its features visible to the naked eye, and it must meet the following requirements:

  • new – the product could not have been publicly disclosed earlier than one year from the date of its application for protection
  • individual character – differs significantly from a previously published pattern

Industrial designs may be, for example, furniture, handles, toothbrushes, packaging, bottles, candy shapes and others,

What to prepare for industrial design registration?

In patent documentation for industrial designs, in addition to the specialized description prepared in accordance with the procedures and prepared by a patent attorney, the key element is the visual presentation of your solution. In order for your attorney to be able to prepare a description and register an industrial design for protection, you should provide him with appropriate photographic material or technical drawings* in a maximum of 7 shots – of course, after prior consultation with the attorney (he will advise you on what elements you should focus on).

Illustrative material should include:

the product is shown in its entirety from several sides

technical views or photos around the product showing this product

essential features of an industrial design

new and original shapes, e.g. specific decorations, special chamfers, etc.

If there are additional variants (similar versions) of the industrial design, separate illustrative material should be prepared for each of them, in accordance with the above recommendations

*You don’t know how to make technical drawings / you don’t have the tools / do you want to save time on creating additional shots and making corrections by a patent attorney? We will prepare the optimal illustration material for you together with CSTNG


What can be an industrial design (practical and protected examples)?


Pattern No.:11640-0001

Butelki, opakowania

Pattern No.: 000398698-0001

Szczoteczki do zębów

Pattern No.: 27788-0002

Cukierki, batony

Pattern No.:000150941-0001

Where can I apply for an industrial design for protection?

in Poland

in the Polish Patent Office of the Republic of Poland (UPRP)
security ONLY in POLAND

in the European Union

in EUIPO, as an EU trade mark
protection in all EU countries

in selected countries around the world

1. in the international procedure at WIPO (requires primary application, i.e. in the national or European procedure)
2. through a representative from a given country, protection ONLY in selected countries

Jak długo trwa ochrona wzorów przemysłowych?

Procedura ochrony wzorów przemysłowych

czyli jak szybko i prosto zgłosić do ochrony wzór przemysłowy, dzięki naszym rzecznikom patentowym

1. Inquiry

Click the button and SUBMIT AN INQUIRY

2. Valuation

We evaluate the service and advise on the procedure to follow

3. Development

We prepare professional documentation and submit the application

You obtain your CERTIFICATE